Rustic, Cast-Iron Grilled Brussels Sprouts

PREP TIME: 15 Minutes COOK TIME: 20 Minutes SERVES: 4 Guests
B&B Texas Style Season It All B&B Texas Style Pecan Grill Wood
1lb. fresh Brussels sprouts, cut in half ¼ lb Pancetta, diced ½ medium red onion, roughly chopped 2 Tablespoons good olive oil B&B Texas Style Season It All
Light B&B Texas Style Pecan Grill Wood. Once glowing, heat grill to medium (350° to 450°F). Prepare Brussels sprouts by trimming, and slicing in half, and add them to a heavy, cast-iron skillet. Dice the Pancetta, chop the onion and add them to the pan as well. Drizzle a good quality olive oil over the ingredients, gently tossing to coat, then, sprinkle with B&B Texas Style Season It All. Place skillet toward the back of the grill over medium heat and let cook until sprouts are slightly browned around the edges, and Pancetta is crispy, approximately 15-20 minutes. Remove sizzling Brussels sprouts from the heat and enjoy while they are hot.